How Can I Keep Birds From Nesting Under My Deck? Foolproof Strategies!

The chorus of squawking and a flurry of feathers from nesting birds can disrupt the peace and tranquility of many homeowners. Their continuous chirping can constantly remind you of their presence. Besides, the droppings and debris marring can destroy the beauty of your deck. Hence, many homeowners want to know how to keep birds from nesting under decks.

To prevent birds from nesting under your deck, consider installing deterrents such as netting or spikes, which create barriers to keep birds away. Besides, block off all access points by using wire mesh or hardware cloth to cover any openings or gaps. Lastly, try maintaining cleanliness in the area.

There are a lot of deterrents that can clear birds away from your deck, and each works differently. So, if you want to know them all, get ready to uncover effective strategies to deter those birds.

3 Effective Strategies To Stop Birds From Nesting Under Your Deck

Birds are attractive creatures until they don’t irritate you 24/7. Moreover, birds nesting under your deck can attract many insects while causing milder allergies to the people living there. However, breaking or replacing a balcony with a different location is not a humane way to eliminate them. 

Therefore, if you are a homeowner, you should stop those birds before they nest. Don’t worry; I have researched and compiled the best solutions to this issue. So, let’s ride into it.

Block Out Entering Points

Blocking the entrance is the simplest step to keep birds away. Thus, keeping all small spaces and holes close is better so they can’t break into your space. Now, the question is how you can fill up these spaces. So, here is the solution.

What is an effective method to block birds from nesting under my deck?

Install Wire Mesh Or Hardware Clothes

Installing wire mesh or hardware cloth is one of the most reliable ways to prevent birds from accessing the space beneath your deck. These durable materials provide a physical barrier that birds cannot penetrate. Hence, ensure the mesh or cloth is tightly secured to cover gaps or openings by following the steps below.

  • Measure the dimensions of the openings or gaps beneath your deck.
  • Purchase wire mesh or hardware cloth that matches the measurements.
  • Cut the mesh or cloth to fit the specific areas that need coverage.
  • Secure the mesh or cloth tightly using screws, nails, or heavy-duty staples.
  • Ensure there are no loose ends or gaps where birds could squeeze through.

Use Bird Netting

Bird netting is another excellent option for keeping birds away from the underside of your deck. This lightweight and flexible netting creates a barrier for them. However, you need to follow these steps to secure the netting tightly.

  • Measure the length and width of the area beneath your deck.
  • Purchase bird netting that is large enough to cover the entire space.
  • Attach hooks or eye screws along the edges of the deck structure.
  • You’ll need a drill to create pilot holes where the screws will be placed. 
  • Hang the netting securely by fastening it to the clips or eye screws.
  • Ensure the netting is taut, extends to the ground, and spans the entire area beneath the deck, including any open sides or gaps.

Implement Bird Spikes

Bird spikes are an effective deterrent to keep birds from perching on ledges or edges where they may attempt to access your deck. These harmless, plastic, or stainless steel spikes make it uncomfortable and undesirable for birds to land or nest. So, first, identify where birds typically perch or land beneath your deck. Then clean the surfaces where you plan to install the spikes to ensure good adhesion.

How can I use bird spikes to deter birds from my deck?

Now, use a bird-safe adhesive, which can typically be purchased from the same store or online site where you bought the spikes. Apply a line of adhesive along the surface where you intend to place the spikes. Then press the spikes firmly onto the surfaces, ensuring they are evenly spaced and strategically placed in areas where birds gather.

Remove Attractants

Removing attractants is another precautionary measure that can keep these beautiful feathery fellows away from your deck. Birds like shady places with nearby food and water to make their nest. So, ensure you don’t give them everything near your deck and keep all attractants as far as possible. Let’s see how to do it.

Block Food Availability:  Birds naturally flock to areas with accessible food sources. Hence, bird feeders or other food outlets near your deck can become an irresistible temptation for our feathered friends. So, must redirect their focus by keeping feeders far from your deck, steering their nesting instincts elsewhere.

Remove Water Source:  Birds need water for drinking and bathing. If you have birdbaths, ponds, or other water features close to your deck, birds may be attracted to those areas. To minimize this attraction, relocate water sources away from your deck, reducing the likelihood of birds nesting underneath.

Clear Away Debris:  Birds search for materials like leaves, twigs, and grass clippings to build their nests, and if your deck provides easy access to these materials, they will be more inclined to nest there. However, eliminating these potential nesting sites makes your deck less appealing to birds and discourages them from making it their home. So, ensure that you clear away piles of debris or vegetation near your deck.

Use Bird Deterrents To Discourage Birds From Nesting

Birds can be persistent creatures, and even if you’ve eliminated all potential attractants and sealed off any entry points, they may still find their way onto your deck. That’s where bird deterrents come into play. Combining natural and artificial barriers can create an uninviting and discouraging environment for birds, preventing them from nesting under your deck. Let’s explore these deterrents and learn how to use them effectively.

Can bird repellents help discourage birds from nesting under the deck?

Visual Scare Devices

Birds are naturally wary of predators. You create the illusion of danger by installing visual scare devices, such as reflective balloons, scare eyes, or bird diverters near your deck. The movement and glimmering reflections produced by these devices discourage birds from approaching your deck and choosing it as their nesting spot.

To make the most of visual scare devices, strategically place them in areas where birds tend to congregate. Hang them from trees or attach them to your deck railing.

Bird Distress Calls  

Birds communicate through various vocalizations, including distress calls. These calls signal danger and alert other birds to potential threats. By playing recordings of bird distress calls near your deck, you create an atmosphere that is perceived as unsafe by birds.

You can find pre-recorded distress calls online or purchase bird audio deterrent devices that regularly emit distress calls. Place these devices strategically around your deck, ensuring the sound carries across the desired area. Keep in mind that it’s essential to use distress calls responsibly and in moderation to avoid causing unnecessary stress to the birds.

Motion-Activated Sprinklers  

Birds are typically startled by sudden sprays of water. Thus, I suggest getting a Motion-activated sprinkler. It works on motion sensors to detect bird movement and release a sudden burst of water. The surprise and wet encounter will startle birds and discourage them from nesting in the area.

It’s best to set up motion-activated sprinklers near your deck, focusing on areas where birds are most likely to land or gather. Be sure to adjust the sensitivity of the sensors to avoid triggering the sprinklers unnecessarily, such as from small creatures or strong gusts of wind.

Bird-Repellent Gel

The bird-repellent gel is a sticky substance that makes surfaces unappealing for birds to land on. It creates an uncomfortable texture on railings, beams, or other perching spots, making them less attractive for birds to rest or nest.

Apply bird-repellent gel to the surfaces where birds tend to congregate. Ensure you follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer for application and reapplication intervals. It’s important to periodically inspect the gel to ensure its effectiveness, especially after heavy rainfall or extreme weather conditions.

Visual Barriers

Creating physical barriers can prevent birds from accessing the underside of your deck. Install netting, screens, or fences around the lower portion of your deck to block their entry points.

Measure the dimensions of your deck and acquire the necessary materials for creating the visual barriers. Attach the netting, screens, or fences securely to the deck structure, ensuring there are no gaps or openings that birds can squeeze through. Regularly inspect the barriers for any damage or signs of wear and tear.

What are visual scare devices, and how can they help in keeping birds away from my deck?

Vibrating Devices

Some bird deterrent devices emit low-frequency vibrations that birds find uncomfortable. These vibrations create an unsettling sensation for the birds, making them less likely to choose your deck as their nesting spot.

Place vibrating devices on or near your deck, focusing on areas where birds frequently gather or attempt to nest. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for installation and operation. It’s important to note that these devices should not cause harm or distress to the birds but rather create a deterrent effect.

Natural Deterrents

Certain plants or herbs emit scents that birds find unpleasant. You can discourage birds from nesting by incorporating these natural deterrents into your deck area. These plants include marigolds, mint, lavender, and rosemary. So, place them in pots or garden beds near your deck, creating a barrier of unappealing scents. Additionally, consider scattering citrus peels or chili flakes around the perimeter of your deck, as birds tend to dislike their strong odors.

Ultrasonic Bird Repellents  

Ultrasonic devices emit high-frequency sound waves that are undetectable to humans but irritating to birds. These devices can be placed near your deck to create an uncomfortable sonic environment for birds, discouraging them from nesting.

Choose ultrasonic bird repellents specifically designed for outdoor use. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for placement and operation. Keep in mind that ultrasonic devices may not be effective for all bird species, so it’s essential to monitor their impact and explore other deterrent options if necessary.


Scarecrows are classic bird deterrents that mimic human presence. Place a scarecrow or two near your deck to create the illusion of human activity, deterring birds from nesting in the area. Opt for scarecrows with reflective materials or moving parts for enhanced effectiveness.

Position the scarecrows strategically, ensuring they are visible from different angles. Consider changing their positions periodically to maintain the element of surprise and discourage birds from adapting to their presence.

Hang Visual Deterrents

Visual deterrents can be useful in deterring birds from nesting under your deck. Hang reflective objects near the deck, creating flashes of light that birds find unappealing. First, choose reflective objects such as old CDs, aluminum foil strips, or wind chimes to hang visual deterrents. Then attach a string or fishing line to the top of each object. Lastly, hang the objects at various points around the perimeter of your deck, where birds commonly gather. Just ensure the objects are positioned in areas with good exposure to sunlight and wind.

Foolproof Strategies to Prevent Birds from Nesting Under Your Deck

In A Nutshell!

You can successfully discourage birds from nesting under your deck by implementing multiple strategies simultaneously, such as blocking access points, using physical barriers, employing scare devices, and removing attractants. 

Remember, it’s important to choose the obstacles that work best for your specific situation and to maintain and monitor their effectiveness regularly. With these strategies in place, you can enjoy your deck without the disruptions and inconveniences caused by nesting birds, allowing you to savor the tranquility of your outdoor space fully.

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